Laura London Dog Trainer

Puppy Starting
All puppy programs focus on socialization, enrichment, and foundational family manners training. Choose from in-home lessons or stay & train packages. The goal is to set you & pup up for success in potty training, crate training, basic commands, and leash skills. I offer safe socialization and exposure excursions. Pup-related errands and vet visits as needed. Call for your custom program. Program age: 8 weeks to 6 months

Private In Home Training
Training sessions are 1-on-1 and can be with or without the owner present, and are completely customizable to meet the needs of each dog and their family. Sessions can include basic obedience, leash walking, crate training, potty training, tricks, shy dog rehab, barking, jumping, chewing or AKC CGC or Puppy Star testing. Appropriate for dogs of any age and can be done in conjunction with a Puppy Program.

Stay & Train
This is a conveninet option for owners who may be traveling and want to use this time to get your pup's manners on track. Or as a way to get a jump start on training a new addition to the family. Your dog can complete this in my home or in yours. Your pup will have daily training sessions, crate time, lots of leash training, canine playdates, hikes and social excursions. Appropriate for any age, however not all behaviors are suited for this program. 2 week minimum. Limited Availability - call for details (Los Angeles availability as well)

Baby & Kids living with Dogs
Are you expecting a baby and worried about how Fido will do with the change in the home? Do you have a shy dog that is hiding from the kids who want to love on it? Learn how to be Dog Aware with specialized training sessions geared towards increasing safety and decreasing stress for families with dogs.
I am a certified Family Paws Pet Educator, specializing in "dog and baby/toddler dynamics".

Certified Canine Massage
Do you have a senior dog that may need a little more time to warm up, or an athletic dog that needs a little rehab? Massage is the answer. Massage can reduce pain, improve blood flow, reduce anxiety, relax tight & sore muscles, and help heal sprains and strains. In addition, many believe it also strengthens the immune system, improves digestion, and lowers blood pressure. And when paired with behavioral training can improve the overall wellness of your dog.

Adoption Services/Shelter Shopping
When it's time for you to add new member to your family, I can help you shop the shelters and rescues for available dogs to meet your needs. Temperament screenings and supervised introductions to other animals in the home are available. Before you take the leap, make sure it's the right one.

Wedding Wrangler
Let ME take care of Fido on your special day! I will bring your best friend to the event space, handle during photos, keep them hydrated, happy and occupied, so you and your wedding party can enjoy the day/night. Your pup can even spend the night at my place and meet you for brunch in the morning.